Sonntag, 20. November 2011

Latest Shocking Benetton Advertising Campaign

"The Vatican said on Thursday it would take legal action to stop the distribution of a photo montage in an advertisement by the Italian fashion firm Benetton showing Pope Benedict kissing an imam on the mouth."(Link)

Benetton still follows its motto: "A picture is worth a thousand words." The debate is if such advertisements are appropriate.

The point of view of the catholic church is clear:

"This is a grave lack of respect for the pope, an offense against the sentiments of the faithful and a clear example of how advertising can violate elementary rules of respect for people in order to attract attention through provocation," spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said Wednesday night. 

The statement further said that the ad was "damaging to not only to dignity of the pope and the Catholic Church but also to the feelings of believers."

I just ask myself if you can't see the picture from a different point of view:  
Doesn't the picture promote multiculturalism, respect for other religions (or freedom of religion), and maybe even allows homosexuality (as we consider that two men are kissing).
That are all issues the catholic church has problems to deal with.

If I were the marketing advisor for Benetton I would not have printed these ads, because the risk is to high to offend people. However, I think there are messages in a lot of Benetton ads that should be considered.