Montag, 26. September 2011

Brand Identity

Brand Identity "is a combination of many factors, including the name, logo, symbols, design, packaging, and performance of a product or service as well as the image or type of associations that comes to mind when consumers think about a brand." (Belch&Belch: Advertisement and Promotion 9th Edition).

We always perceive the process of branding from the perspective of the consumer. 

However, who says that companies cannot brand us?
Maybe it is time to rethink who influences who, and who has the ultimate control over buying behavior: 

We - the consumers 
They - the companies and advertisers.

Shock Ads

Shock Ads are defined as advertising, "in which marketers use nudity, sexual suggestiveness, or other startling images to get consumers' attention." (Belch&Belch: Advertising and Promotion 9th Edition).

We are living in a world in which we get in touch with advertisement nearly every moment we are awake. From TV ads, over radio campaigns, billboards or flyers. Where we go the advertisement will follow us (if it hasn't been there before).

This is the reason why most people develop a system of selective attention: We do not actively perceive every ad we come across. We simply ignore some ads to protect ourselves from information overload.

To get our attention advertisers have to be creative. 
Shock Ads are one method to get the attention of people. 

Here another advertisement of Benetton:

People may find this advertisement not appropriate and morally incorrect. However, I am sure that the advertisers achieved their goal of getting the attention of potential customers. Moreover, this advertisement may encourage people to critically evaluate norms and values of our society.


One of the first things I learned in the US is that you need a car!!!
You nearly can't go anywhere if you do not have a car. And the larger the car, the better. I do not want  to start a discussion about environmentally friendly cars and the advantage of smaller cars, which consume less fuel.

However, I really doubt that in some cases cars are necessary:

Montag, 12. September 2011


I love Lego! When I came across this advertisement I just had to post it. 


Imagination is a special gift we have. If you have imagination you can change the world.

Duane Michals (American Photographer) 

"I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see. "

My Blog

I noticed that my blog mainly is about advertisement.
I do not know why I was trying to find good commercials. So, I started looking around for other themes. However, every time I came across a good advertisement ad I had to think about it.

That is when I told myself:

"Why not? 
A blog about advertisement!"

Let's see how long my creative ideas last!


As ideal students we have all read the Consumer Behavior Syllabus which tells us to follow the MSU Student Conduct Code: "Paraphrasing or quoting another's work without citing the source is a form of academic misconduct. [It] is considered plagiarism."

I wonder how I justify this picture?!?!

I need a very good excuse...!
Maybe YOU have some ideas?


Millions of people strive for being young again. Companies make millions, selling anti-aging cremes, body lotions etc. However, the truth is: 

Aging is inevitable!

You may not have noticed it till now. But if your eyes are becoming worse and worse, maybe it is time to buy new glasses and facing the fact that you are getting older.
Otherwise, who knows? 
Maybe the gentleman in the picture has just had too many drinks... 
And the adults always say that we students drink too much...

Modern ART

Modern Art is not always easy to understand. I have a hard time trying to understand what may have motivated the artist to create this object. It may have a deeper meaning - a meaning we normal creative people cannot comprehend...

Fortunately, I am not the only person in the world
who has difficulties in understanding Modern Art! 

Maybe we just over-interpret modern art
Maybe we try too hard to give a deeper meaning to normal objects, or
Maybe we just cannot distinguish between art and real objects after having toured three hours through the Museum of Modern Art!

Dressed to Kill

This advertisement of the British women cloth retailer Wallis was launched in 2006. It has been launched under the slogan:

"Dressed to Kill"
Do not breath!
Who do you really trust?
        Do you think you have a good relationship to your barber?
               Reconsider your attitude because Wallis new collection has been launched!

Sonntag, 11. September 2011

How long can you keep staring at this website?

When I surfed the web I came across this beautiful website: It is just hilarious how far people can go in making their website worse. I am not a designing expert, but maybe I could do better than this example.

Just try following link and I assure you, you will have a totally different view on website and advertisement aesthetics! Try to look as long as possible at the website. My record is 10 seconds without having to close my eyes!

PS: Did you notice the cat at the bottom?